What’s in a name… Why Yoga Story?

I have always loved words, and I am a writer. I love creativity, language and expression.

Part of what I love about Iyengar Yoga, the method of yoga I teach, and in which I am trained, is its use of Sanskrit, and its attention to clear and precise instruction. Language matters, in yoga and in life.

Patañjali was a grammarian as well as a yoga sage. Language and yoga are interlinked.

The other big appeal for me for in naming this space and place YOGA STORY are these words:

Everybody has a story

This is true. It is undeniably true.

As I have stayed with the path of yoga, I have also realised over time that

Every BODY also has a story

We each have stories, but our bodies, our tissue, our muscles, our skin, our hands and our toes all have their own stories and memories too. This is made so clear to us in practice when we feel an old injury: the body remembers.

Yoga offers the potential for expression, for movement and for transformation.